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Wakefield Heritage Commission

Wakefield Heritage Commission



Established in 1993, the Wakefield Heritage Commission has developed plans to restore areas of the community that reflect the importance of Wakefield in transportation, manufacturing, and farming. With the generous support of volunteers, financial donors, and grants, the first building restored in the village of Sanbornville, the “Garvin Building”. Upon completion, the Wakefield Heritage Commission sold the Garvin Building. It remains a focal point and tribute to the history of the community. In recent years, the Commission, thanks to a small army of talented and generous volunteers, has restored Union Station and the Freight House in Union, the Lovell-Union Grange, and the Spinney Meeting House. In 2014, the Newichawannock Bridge and Canal, built in 1868, was designated as the town’s second National Historic District and placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Hours of Operation:


~ Free admission to all venues ~

Open at other times for school, community, and individual tours by special appointment.

Union Train Station
One Chapel Street, in Union;
Open June 24 thru October 8
Saturdays & Sundays 12 to 4 p.m.

Freight House / Model train layout
One Chapel Street, in Union;
Open June 24 thru October 8
Saturdays & Sundays 12 to 4 p.m.

at the Heritage Centre of Wakefield Corner
26 Province Lake Road
Open June 21 thru October 7
Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to noon

Blacksmith Shop
Bridge Street in Union
~To be determined~

Contact Email:


Contact Info

2 High Street, Sanbornville, NH 03872, United States